How Emuut Works

A simple explanation of how emuut works

Ehis Asibor

Last Update 3 jaar geleden

Emuut is a platform where people profit from buying and selling contestants of popular TV shows just like traders buy and sell tomatoes. You buy at a low price and sell at a high price.

Different type of TV shows such as The Voice Nigeria, Big Brother House , Nigerian Idols can be traded on

In each show, there are several contestants, and on we have representatives of all these contestants. We call these representatives, EMPS. 

The idea is first to watch the show on TV or Youtube,  and then decide who you think will win the show. On emuut, you can find the links to the youtube videos.

After you have decided , you come to and buy the emp representing who you think will win the show.  You can buy more than one emp of different contestants if you wish.

As more people buy these emps, the price will start to climb up.

When the price is high enough for you or when you think the profit is good enough, you should  sell the emp. This is how you make a profit from buying and selling tv show contestants.

Buying and selling is done automatically. All you need to do is to click a button. To learn how to buy or sell, please CLICK HERE

One thing to note, you must sell your emp before the contestant is eliminated from the TV-show. If the contestant is eliminated, the buying and selling price of that emp will become zero and you cannot sell anymore.

To learn how to sign up and start trading, CLICK HERE

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